Oct 30, 2004

Critical thinking

Why is it important to evaluate any information you encounter?
There are also individuals and organizations who, for different reasons, consciously perpetuate lies or partial truths. You simply cannot afford to assume everything you see or hear is accurate and complete.
We should ask questions:

Questioning the information pruducer:
What is the producer's purpose or motive? (Is the information propaganda or an advertisement?)
Is the producer of the information an authority?

Questioning the information itself:
Is the information current?
Is the information complete?
Is there evidence of bias or value-ladened words?

Questioning myself:
Does the information satisfy my needs?
Are there better sources of information elsewhere?

It was not until recently that I discovered how powerful the tool, critical thinking, could be. Its application is not just restricted in evaluation of information as the above paragraph shows. In fact, in daily life when we talk with people, there is a greater need of thinking critically.

1 comment:

Wendong said...

hey guy, besides critical thinking, another thing you need to have is open-minded, which requires you to read a lot.