Jan 14, 2007

Four Factors that Influence Career Choices

Interests, personality, skills, and work values are the four factors that govern one's career choice according to the career counsellor in the career center at UofT. She also suggests that the question I need to ask myself when choosing a career is that WILL MY JOB FULFILL THE REQUIREMENTS DERIVED FROM MY VALUES, MY PERSONALITIES, MY INTERESTS, AND MY SKILLS?

For me, values and personalities have a stronger influence than the rest two. I need a period of time to figure out exactly what my values and personalities are. Luckily, I gained an insightful comments of my personalities by completing the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) test. Here is a list of requirements of a satisfying job based on my personality.

  1. The opportunity to be a leader while interacting with a variety of people, on a variety of projects throughout the day.
  2. A competitive and challenging environment where advancements are available and promotions given on the basis of demonstrated merit and competence.
  3. Work that lets me solve complex problems in creative yet logical ways, working with other people I respect.
  4. The opportunity to do long range planning and develop strategies that will perfect or improve the efficiency of systems.
  5. An environment where I am respected for my contributions of ideas and actions, and where I am evaluated and compensated in a fair and consistent manner.
  6. Projects that let me constantly increase my knowledge and competence and develop original solutions to new problems.

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