Jan 22, 2006

My personality profile

Some of the following information may seem inaccurate or incomplete. Remember, that this profile is a snapshot of your personality at a specific moment. It is not intended as an in-depth analysis of your complete being, but as a tool to aid in self-discovery:

  • You have a strong feeling of optimism, considered favorably by most people around you. Your perception is that the bottle is half-full rather than half-empty.
  • You have a strong sense of humor. You usually know when to lighten a difficult situation, amuse and entertain people.
  • You have to be with people. This extends into the need to gain popularity, achieve social recognition and influence those people around you. The "bottom-line" is a strong people orientation.

The following statements offer a look at the natural behavior you bring to an interpersonal relationship.

  • You have a natural, outgoing style that some have labeled as the "natural salesperson." You are generally likable, talkative and socially assertive. Your primary intent is convincing or persuading people.
  • You can generate enthusiasm in yourself and in other people. Your enthusiasm, often contagious, involves many people in a social activity who might not ordinarily become involved.
  • You show sympathy to the feelings and needs of others. Your natural empathy style may draw others to you.
  • One of your great strengths is your ability to communicate and talk readily. Since all strengths may be overused at times, you may sometimes talk too much.

Improving communication,
Below is a list of communication styles that will mesh well with your own:

  • Share specific ideas to carry out an action.
  • Be brief, clear and to the point.
  • Motivate and persuade by referring to objectives and RESULTS.
  • Provide options, rather than opinions.
  • Plan sufficient time to talk and listen.
  • Talk about expectations.
  • Support results, not the person, if you agree.
  • Ask for opinions and ideas.
  • Be ready at the exact time.
  • Plan interactions which support dreams and goals.
  • Provide questions and choices for making decisions.
  • Be stimulating, fun-loving, and fast-moving.

Following are some of the specific strengths and/or personal characteristics that you bring to a relationship. These may form the foundations of many of your friendships and dealings with other people.

  • You are usually enthusiastic about activities and planning.
  • You enjoy situations where you can demonstrate your skill or mastery of a subject.
  • You are optimistic and tend to make others feel good about themselves.
  • You generally don't like to back away from a challenge.
  • You like to analyze problems and discuss their possible solutions before taking action.
  • You are socially poised and people-oriented.
  • You have an excellent sense of humor and tend to see humor in events spontaneously.
  • You tend to enjoy life and share that enjoyment with others.
  • You tend to be influential in decision-making situations. Others often turn to you for advice.
  • You like to initiate new activities.

While answering the Relationship Questionnaire you established a pattern of basic, subconscious wants. This section of the report was produced by analyzing those patterns. Our wants change as we mature and obtain our life goals. You may find it valuable to revisit this section periodically to see how your wants have changed. You may want:

  • Support of your ideas and dreams.
  • Equal relations with others.
  • Others to adhere to your high standards.
  • Popularity.
  • Acceptance in a variety of groups.
  • Time to adjust to change.
  • Recognition of skills and ability.
  • Social recognition of your accomplishments.
  • A support system to help you get things done.
  • Reassurance.
  • A friendly, favorable social environment.
  • Better planning for change in the future.

I did this personality test in eharmony, an professional online dating service site. I am surprised by my patience to complete such a long questionnaire.