Seraph: "Did you always know?"
Oracle: "Oh, no... No, I didn't. But I believed...I believed."
This is the last scence in Matrix Revolution: the Oracle sits on a bench besides a lake in the dawn, and Seraph comes towards her. The oracle does not know that Zion is going to be saved and the war between machine and the human is going to end before Neo achieves it. As she reiterates at last, she "believed". That belief not only gives power and strength to herself but also Neo, Trinity, Morpheus and on and on and on. In a sense, it is this belief that makes the peace happen.
I talked with one friend a few days ago about goals of life. One of her goal is to have a daughter in the year of rabbit. I am curious about it and ask why. She said old men believe persons born in pig year and rabbit year will have particularly good relationship and she is in the year of pig.
I would have regarded it as superstition and haven't bothered to give a slightest thought to it, if I heard such a claim one year before. But now, I not only find it interesting, but also "reasonable". If the mother and the daughter both believe that persons in pig year and rebbit year will have good relationship, they will feel closer to each other not only because they are mum and daughter, but also because they born in the years of special connection. And if this belief goes into the unconscious level, the influence may be greater.