Feb 27, 2005

The extent of feeling

Two months have pasted since the tsunami. I sometimes wonder why I have not donated anything.

When I was having my dinner in the ground floor of a shopping mall in Kuala Lumpur, I bought a book and two ballpens from a elementary school girl who was collecting money for local charity. In Singapore, I joined an charity activity which also collects money for local charity orgainzation. On that day, which is called flag day by NUS, we spend all of our time asking one question: "Could you please give some donation for chariy?" Whether in Kuala Lumpur or in Singapore, I was connected with those unfortunate people directly, either by the girl or by an orgnization. The connection is not only a human relation chain, but also a link between my feelings and the unfortunate's. This connection let my feeling extend outside my own region and reaches out to a far-away person. And by giving the donation or collecting the money, I was gratified emotionally.

So when I think about why I did not give a donation, I concludes it is because there is no such connection near me. My area of feeling has no connection with those unfornate people. And my area of feeling has not grown to the stage that it can automatically generate a motive for building the connection, i.e. that I did not search for an organiztion for the donation.

So finally, one thing can be improved. Just as Carl Jung says, "We should not pretend to understand the world only by the intellect, we apprehend it just as much by feeling." The area of feeling is to be enlarged.

Feb 22, 2005

a slip before chance

I am interested in analyzing human feelings these days and how emotion can influence reasoning. The patient is myself. I feel depressed this morning after knowing that the earliest interview time for my visa application will be on April 11, which is too late for FACES. The depression generate a sudden panic in me for quit a while.

The interesting thing is how such feeling, whether I call it depression, panic, fear or worry, take over the control of my mind. After the phone call, I write and sent a short message to a delegate informing this emergency. It was not until quite a while later that I discover the message is full of unconsciously mistyped words. I do not notice it at all when type them.

It is easy to keep balance when standing on normal ground. But when on the icy road, it is not such a easy task to keep balance. The same is the case that an emotion take over the mind when I still want to keep reasoning.

Drilling is what I need.

Feb 16, 2005

The baby met in Malaysia

I met Malysia parents and this baby in the twin tower in Kuala Lumpur. At that time, the parents were taking photoes of the baby. A very lovely baby. So I take one too, after having their parents' permission.

Feb 10, 2005

Science websites: Special Topics

Special Topics As the main page claims, it provides "citation analyses and commentary for selected scientific research areas that have experienced notable recent advances or are of special current interest."